Jarno Saarinen's hot widow (NDC ... sort of)

Peer Landa
Sun, May 5, 2024 4:31 PM

..you wrote:

Look at this... 👀

HA -- so the short story long here; many many years ago I wrote an article about my childhood racer hero, Jarno Saarinen, and shortly thereafter I was contacted by his widow, the lovely Soili Karme, who fancied the piece.  She then sent me some private photos of her racer husband, including that one at the Brno track in 1972, where she's holding the timing board while sporting a bathing suit -- i.e., the one you sent me last night.  So yes, that photo is/was initially pulled off of my piece.  Hence, I laughed realizing again that we kind of have the same taste not only when it comes to vehicles and architecture, but also when it comes to the XX chromosomes ;-)

Although I know most of you lazy Palo Alto peeps (shallow altons) don't read (and especially don't write) published material anymore, I still encourage you to try reading this tiny piece ... or at least look at the photos (which is probably all you Erich can muster nowadays):


-- peer (bcc'ing this to the ducatista, of course)


Chris... ..you wrote: > Look at this... 👀 HA -- so the short story long here; many many years ago I wrote an article about my childhood racer hero, Jarno Saarinen, and shortly thereafter I was contacted by his widow, the lovely Soili Karme, who fancied the piece. She then sent me some private photos of her racer husband, including that one at the Brno track in 1972, where she's holding the timing board while sporting a bathing suit -- i.e., the one you sent me last night. So yes, that photo is/was initially pulled off of my piece. Hence, I laughed realizing again that we kind of have the same taste not only when it comes to vehicles and architecture, but also when it comes to the XX chromosomes ;-) Although I know most of you lazy Palo Alto peeps (shallow altons) don't read (and especially don't write) published material anymore, I still encourage you to try reading this tiny piece ... or at least look at the photos (which is probably all you Erich can muster nowadays): https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~peer/racer-jarno.html -- peer (bcc'ing this to the ducatista, of course) .